What is NLP, TA, Systemic work?
As a coach, trainer and communication consultant I use theories, models, techniques and interventions from Communication Science, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis (TA) and Systemic work. An effective mix with the common thread: communication with yourself and others
Communication science
Communication science is a scientific discipline that studies human communication in all its forms and in different contexts. In doing so, it focuses primarily on the form, content and consequences of communication that is expressed in different communication media. This means that the impact of communication processes and media on individuals, groups and society is central. How do people or organisations communicate with each other? Who is the sender, who is the receiver and what is the message? How do people convey a message? What kind of language do they use for this (written language, spoken language, visual language, body language , sign language)? How is a message understood, interpreted, remembered, and possibly used in opinions, choices or behaviour? What effects do messages have on the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of others?
Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it is a methodology for personal development and effective communication. NLP is about becoming aware of unconscious processes. It is about discovering 'how' you do the things you do and how you can change them, if desired. For example, how do you respond in communication and behavior to what you observe, what meaning do you give to it and how could you do that more effectively or differently?
Analysis (TA)
Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory about personality, communication and change. TA has three starting points; people are OK and always valuable: I am OK, you are OK; people have the ability to think; people determine their behavior by means of (partly unconscious) decisions, and these decisions can be revised. All TA concepts are developed to help people grow in their autonomy: greater awareness, more spontaneity, greater intimacy, more integrity, space for meaning, taking more responsibility for themselves. People decide for themselves, the TA practitioner guides in an autonomy-promoting way.
Systemic Work
Systemic work is based on the idea that we are all part of systems, and that within all these systems (unconscious) patterns and dynamics determine how we move within them. These systems are there automatically, the first system simply because you were born: your family. Instead of zooming in on the details of problems, we zoom out to the whole and first look at the why of the issue. Which unconscious patterns have led to the situation? By looking at the entire system without judgment and without intention, a systemic coach helps a questioner(s) investigate where there is room for a completely new approach to the situation.